Highlights with ‘machine learning’

SCM at the F19MRS in Boston

Going to the 2019 MRS fall meeting 1-5 December 2019? Check out Matti’s talk on Machine Learning potentials for next generation materials modeling -his EU project MaLeR– on 3 December, 9.45am at Hynes 210. Thomas...

SCM at TechConnect Boston

ReaxPro, the recent H2020 EU project led by SCM, aims to bring together atomistic, mesoscale, and macroscale simulation tools into a platform for multiscale modeling of reactive materials and processes. We are proud to announce...

Matti Hellström joins SCM to improve ReaxFF with machine learning

The SCM staff is very happy to welcome Matti as a Marie Curie fellow to combine the accuracy of machine learning with the flexibility and transferability of ReaxFF in the EU funded Machine Learning applied...