Highlights with ‘TDDFT’

AMS2023 Webinar Recordings

The recordings of the AMS2023 spring webinar series are now all available on our YouTube channel The AMS2023 Release: New Features Presented by Matti Hellström, SCM (Slides).  Discovering the uniqueness of hydrogen bonding with the...

AMS2023 Webinar series (spring)

Following the spring and fall AMS2022 webinars (see also the AMS2022 webinar playlist), we organized a new series of webinars this spring with experts on a range of different topics presenting theory, relevant applications, and...

AMS2023 New Release Webinar

Register for our FREE AMS2023 Released: New features Webinar! Learn about: Next Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, 15:00 CEST, with our Product Manager Matti Hellström. Register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4341128523549974617 Or subscribe below to get a personal invitation...

Large-scale self-consistent GW-Bethe-Salpeter-Equation calculations in ADF

The GW-Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) (GW-BSE for short) is a state-of-the-art approach to calculate low-lying vertical excited states of molecular systems. Compared to Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT), it offers major improvements in the description of charge-transfer...

AMS2022 Webinar series (fall)

Following the spring series of AMS2022 webinars (see also the AMS2022 webinar playlist), we are organizing a new series of webinars this fall. We will again have experts on a range of different topics presenting...

Spin Orbit Coupling in Charge Transfer States

Researchers from the University of Amsterdam investigated the effects of twisting an electron donor-acceptor molecule. The conformational dependence of the matrix element for spin–orbit coupling (SOCME) and of the electronic coupling for charge separation are...

AMS & Science Webinar Series (spring 2022)

Note: new webinars can be found at the fall 2022 webinar page Following the release of AMS2022, we are organizing a new series of webinars. We thereby aim to combine scientific presentations and lectures from...

The BCL Method for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: Basis and Applications

The BCL method is a theoretical framework to understand and predict dyes and their efficiency in solar cells. The method is comprehensively presented in a recent paper. It is based on a system of equations...

Understanding halide perovskite solution chemistry

Solution synthesis is one of the most commonly employed method to prepare metal-halide perovskites for optoelectronic applications. A controlled perovskite growth from solution is crucial to obtain high quality materials and requires a deep understanding...

Optical and photoluminescence properties of gold and silver nanoclusters

Silver and gold nanoclusters (NCs) have proven to be efficient and stable, with optical and emissive properties that can be tuned by changing the cluster’s geometric and electronic parameters. Due to the dependence of size,...