Amsterdam Modeling Suite workshops

Future workshops notifications and requests

In May, we will give hands-on Parametrization workshops in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Seoul, and Taipei with our 2024 release. The workshop will include the new functionality to train machine learning potentials (flyer for workshops by Paul & Nicolas). Please contact our local reseller if you want to join.

Let us know if you would like to have a specific or general workshop at your University, Supercomputer Center, or Institute! We gladly adapt the schedule and suggested exercises according to the interest of the participants.
Submit your email address to get notifications about upcoming workshops.

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Workshop exercises

After an introduction and short demo, we usually let participants choose from basic and advanced exercises. We also have excellent teaching materials available.

Workshop programs

Example schedule for a 1-day workshop:

09.30-10.30: Introduction and overview of the Amsterdam Modeling Suite
10.30-12.00: Getting started: building molecules, basic calculations
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-17.00: Advanced exercises, further discussions

Upcoming workshops

  • Parametrization worskhops in Asia (May 2024)

Previous workshops

Workshop materials from collaborations

Please credit the authors if you (re-)use their workshop materials. You can also have a look at the teaching materials and webinars.

Specialized Webinars by expert users and developers:

These cover advanced topics such as electronic couplings, QM/MM, DIM/QM for SERS, ETS-NOCV for chemical bonding analysis. On the webinar page you can register for upcoming presentations, or play back previous ones.