Periodic DFTB, Lattice Optimization, DOS, band structure and phonons

This tutorial will walk through the use of periodic DFTB to optimize the lattice parameters. The density of states and band structure of the optimized structures will be displayed.

Step 1: Lattice optimization - input setup

To perform geometry optimization of a lattice, we will start from a diamond crystal with incorrect lattice values, and let DFTB optimize this value. Next, we will proceed to display additional information obtained during the evaluation.

Start ADFinput
Select the DFTB panel: panel bar ADF → DFTB
Choose Bulk to enable periodicity.
Click the structure tool (the snowflake next to the X tool),
Choose Cubic → Diamond
Set the lattice parameter parameter a to 6.0 and click OK
Click the Details button (...) for the GeometryOptimization task
Check the Optimize Lattice box
Go to the Main panel
Make sure model is set to DFTB, and that the Dresden parameter set is selected (normally you would want to use better parameters like the included 3OB set)
Choose File → Save as... and save the input as “DFTB-Diamond”.

Step 2: Lattice optimization - execution

File → Run.
While the optimization is running, you can watch the progress by clicking SCM → Movie

When asked to read the new coordinates (when the calculation finishes), click Yes

From the movie, you can observe how the unit cell shrinks as it is optimized.

Step 3: DOS and Band Structure

You can visualize the density of states (DOS) directly from the converged optimization.

SCM → DOS (in the ADFmovie or ADFinput window)

Similarly, you can visualize the band structure

SCM → Band Structure

Step 4: Phonons

Activate the ADFinput window with the DFTB-Diamond input
Select “Phonons” as Task
File → Save as..., use “DFTB-Phonons” as filename

File → Run

When completed: use SCM → Band Structure in the ADFtail window (showing the logfile)

A window will appear showing the phonons diagram. Clicking on the curves at the location of the vertical red bars will show the actual crystal vibrations.
