Amsterdam Modeling Suite 2024 Products

Documentation, downloads, technical support

The tutorials, manuals, and FAQs are great resources to help you get started, and advance your research with the Amsterdam Modeling Suite. You can find our latest binaries on the downloads page. If you run into any problem or have technical questions, please contact us, so that our expert software developers can resolve your issues.

User support email addresses For technical questions or problems by users. Attach relevant files & licensee information For license information or problems For general and scientifically oriented questions

First-line support by resellers

In Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, India, Mexico, Poland, and Germany you may benefit from excellent local support from our resellers. Of course, technical support from our own developers is still available through

Extended Support, Research Consulting

Our experienced team takes pride in providing the best possible technical support, which is widely appreciated and praised by our users. However, some problems go far beyond simple technical support requests: maybe you would like to get a bit more scientific advice or get new functionality implemented with high priority.

We aim to help you on any possible issue with our software to the best of our abilities. However, due to limited time sometimes we need to defer users with complex scientific questions to other offers, ranging from custom-tailored tutoring to fully outsourced research projects.
Check out how SCM’s Consulting and Contract Research can help you further.

Additional documentation

Other modules and capabilities in recent Amsterdam Modeling Suite releases

Workshops & teaching exercises

SCM staff and experienced AMS users give hands-on workshops a few times a year (general as well as on specific topics). Advanced worked out examples on specific features are available as teaching materials for computational chemistry courses.

Feature of interest missing?

We welcome any suggestions regarding new functionality. Perhaps we could pick up your suggestion for our next release!

Pricing & Licensing

License fees depend on which AMS modules you want to use, on how many CPU cores you want to run, and also the duration. See our pricing tables for academic license fees, or request a price quote. You are encouraged to try before you buy.